Quartam Reports, day late, dime short

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Thu Jul 14 22:58:57 EDT 2005


Saying you don't mean to be disrespectful doesn't make it so. Flaming 
Jan repeatedly on-list immediately after a product release is quite 

Here's a suggestion. Make a feature request. Buy a copy of Quartam to 
support development. See if lots of other Rev users also want the 
feature. Watch it get implemented.

Please be finished with the trite remarks about frosting on cakes, 
missed deadlines and your individual needs, and try a professional 
approach. Otherwise you are more than likely just going to be tuned 

- Brian

> Jan,
>      I don't mean to be disrespectful but you have delivered the 
> frosting
> without the cake.
>      Quartam Reports does a lot of things we don't need:
> - data fields using everyday Transcript expressions
> - data groups with separate header and footer
> - flexible formatting options
> - aggregate functions without a line of code
> - support for printing conditions, color and inks
> - simplified printing commands for stacks, database
> cursors and automated queries
> - an advanced callback architecture that lets you
> combine data from multiple sources
>      and does not deliver what we do need:
> - the ability to take information stored in a Revolution stack and 
> print it
> in standard business format.
>      Did anyone actually ask for the Quartam feature set? Did anyone 
> beta
> test QR?
>      You always tend to dismiss 9 to 5 Reports, but the fact is "they 
> got it
> right".   Reports with HyperCard is a powerful business tool. That's 
> why I
> invested the time in showing it to you, explaining what it meant to my 
> business
> users, urging you to incorporate its basic functionality. We have all 
> waited a
> long time for a Revolution solution. Based on missed deadlines to 
> date, I am
> not optimistic about QR v 1.1 shipping in any sort of timely manner ;-)
>      I am extremely disappointed.
> Paul Looney
> PS Are you saying definitively that v 1.1, if it ever ships, WILL 
> support
> scrolling fields - and be a free upgrade?
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