1st time Revolution user question

Alcy alcy.runrev1 at 7power7.com
Thu Jul 14 14:19:53 EDT 2005

thanks for answering
I have purchased Altbrowser and like it. Is there a program similar for 
sending and receiving emails?
I want the stack to be able to send and receive emails directly -
I guess it must not be the first person to ask and there must be some 
source codes of functions sending/receiving emails in Linux that have 
been adapted to Revolution..

Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi Alcy,
>> What are my options to send and receive emails with a Revolution  stack?
> not bad, actually...
> But i would definitively rate that "extremely advanced"! ;-)
>> Thanks
>> Alcy
> Regards
> Klaus Major
> klaus at major-k.de
> http://www.major-k.de

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