Window Positioning Bug?

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Jul 12 18:13:58 EDT 2005

When I run the following script, I actually see the offscreen-intended
window appear every *other* time, in other words a reliable failure that
occurs 50% of the time:

on showWindow
  set topLeft of stack progind to 10000,10000
  palette stack progind
  put windowID of stack progind into tID
  import snapshot from rect (rect of grc pie of stack progind) of window tID
  close stack progind
  choose browse tool
end showWindow

(MacOSX 10.3.9)

The results are the same even if the position is set to negative numbers.
I've noticed this failure in other stacks but wasn't sure if this was a
result of my code.  Now it seems very repeatable, and I believe other folks
have mentioned window positioning problems as well.

Can anyone else verify this?  Is this a coding problem or bug?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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