surprising filter benchmarks
Tue Jul 12 18:11:16 EDT 2005
The difference is quite a bit smaller if the loop checks the number of items,
as the filter is designed to do. Still usually a 3 to 6 fold difference, loop
being faster.
if item 1 of tLine contains "a" \
AND item 2 of tLine contains "r"\
AND item 3 of tLine is "r" \
AND number of items of tLine is 8\ <--------- new
Filter: 277
Repeat: 61
----------- You wrote -----------
From: Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>
Subject: surprising filter benchmarks
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
Message-ID: <42D4276B.2080608 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I figured the filter command would carry at least some overhead for its
convenience, but I had no idea how much!
I wrote the test below to compare it with walking through a list line by
line, and the results were surprising:
on mouseUp
put fwdbCurTableData() into s -- gets 10,800 lines of
-- tab-delimited data
-- Method 1: filter command
put format("*a*\t*r*\tr\t*\t*\t*\t*\t*") into tFilter
put s into result1
put the millisecs into t
filter result1 with tFilter
put the millisecs - t into t1
-- Method 2: repeat for each
set the itemdel to tab
put the millisecs into t
repeat for each line tLine in s
if item 1 of tLine contains "a" \
AND item 2 of tLine contains "r"\
AND item 3 of tLine is "r" then
put tLine&cr after result2
end if
end repeat
delete last char of result2
put the millisecs - t into t2
put result1 into fld "result"
put result2 into fld "result2"
put "Filter: "&t1 &cr& "Repeat: "&t2
end mouseUp
Results -
Filter: 745
Repeat: 40
Did I miss something, or am I just seeing the penalty for the filter
command's generalization?
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