play videoClip "nameOfVideo" does not work, Please help

Klaus Major klaus at
Tue Jul 12 15:25:36 EDT 2005

Hi Jeanne,

> At 10:32 AM -0500 7/12/2005, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> As long as we're talking about videoclips, is there a way to store  
>> a QT movie as an imported file in a stack, but still set a player  
>> to use it? I know I can write the movie to disk temporarily and  
>> play it from there, but it would be cleaner if I could just refer  
>> to it in the stack. Using the "play" command to run it doesn't  
>> give enough control, I need to use a player object.
> Aren't you describing a videoclip? The videoclip object is played  
> through a player, so you can show its controller:
>   set the showController of the templatePlayer to true
>   play videoclip "My Clip"
> Since playing a clip creates a temporary player for display, the  
> settings of the templatePlayer are used when playing the clip.


I thought the controller is a Quicktime-only feature...
And the "play" command does not use Quicktime (except on a mac)
as far as i know?

> -- 
> jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at


Klaus Major
klaus at

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