mixed languages in a field: solved : )

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Sat Jul 9 09:01:24 EDT 2005

Hi Curt,

Glad to help you.

To be perfectly sure about your code, you could check your html  
building precisely:
You put your html built by script (as html) in the message box.
You paste this html text in the html pane of the Encoded Text Picker,  
switch to "Usual text" and back to HTML.
Then you compare both HTMLs: they should be the same ones :-)

Le 9 juil. 05 à 13:38, Curtis Ford a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks - playing with your Encoded Text Picker gave me a fresh  
> sense of what to look at.. the actual characters for the Russian  
> were OK (they are 'entities' encoded by Rev in a separate part of  
> the project), but I had forgotten to provide font tags as well.  
> Adding "<font face" & q(Arial) & ">" before the item, and "</font>"  
> after the item, now has the English displayed properly, even after  
> some Russian.
> (Just in case there's anyone here newer than I am: the q(Arial) is  
> a function, which I've put in the stack script, that's a shortcut  
> to putting quotes around a string - makes expressions like these  
> less messy; I'd seen it in Sarah Reichelt's XML tutorial and found  
> it handy for things like this.)
> What was curious (& confusing) is that the source text file,  
> created by Rev from fields using 'put the HTMLText of field  
> "myField"', has these language-specific tags (<font face="Geneva  
> CY" lang="ru") before the Russian elements, but no such tags before  
> the English. When I read the information back in from the text file  
> to display in a field, it seems to work even with no language- 
> specific tags for the Russian, but it does need them for displaying  
> English that follows Russian.  Anyway, it all looks good now. Thanks!

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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