spreadsheet-like tables

Jon jbondy at sover.net
Fri Jul 8 20:37:05 EDT 2005

I want to port a simple (!) program that has a "database record" for 
each row in a user viewable (and possibly editable) table. The data may 
have to be sorted in more than one fashion, and some fields may have to 
have different colored backgrounds or text.   Some fields might be 
editable in the table, while other fields (memos) might be edited in a 
single field at the bottom, where the current record has the memo 
contents displayed (I hope this is clearly explained).  Given that I 
have no compatible databases on my Windows system (that I know of!), I 
may not actually choose to use a database, but perhaps some other 
approach (text file(s), multiple cards (something I do not understand 
very well), etc)..

So.  Two questions.

First off, what is the best way to present the user with tabular data?  
I tried the "table", and it has lots of problems, at least the way I did 
it <sick grin>.  Any sample stacks out there for me to study?  I had the 
most trouble allowing the user to edit the data: the appearance of the 
table went to hell when the user started modifying a field in the table.

Secondly, are there any simple databases that "come with" Windows?  Any 
freebie databases that can be (easily?) installed on Windows?  Any 
resource I should have consulted before posting this probably-redundant 



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