fonts & styles
Eric Chatonet
eric.chatonet at
Fri Jul 8 11:43:19 EDT 2005
Just an addendum to my last post to be clear:
Create a new stack and a field.
Type anything in it.
Select any word and check its font in the Text menu: it's the owner's
Set the style of this word to bold (or change its size, etc.)
Check the font in the Text menu: it's no longer the owner's font but
now it's the *effective* owner's font which appear check-marked.
May be Ken (if you hear me :-) could provide some regex to strip the
font tags when they are specifying the owner's font in the html text?
Would be a solution?
Le 8 juil. 05 à 17:32, Eric Chatonet a écrit :
> Hi Charles,
> Rev has a weird behaviour we discussed on this list a long time ago:
> If the font is the owner's font and the size the owner's size ,
> there are no problem.
> But once you have changed the size or the style of such a chunk,
> the font of this chunk is no longer the owner's font (empty) but
> the *effective* owner's font.
> If I remember correctly, this is not a bug but falls within a
> runRev choice that we do regret.
> Le 8 juil. 05 à 17:00, Charles Hartman a écrit :
>> I have fields containing a lot of text, mostly in "owner's font,"
>> "plain," but with some pieces in a specified font and other pieces
>> in styles bold, link, etc.
>> When I change the owner's font (in this case, the main stack's),
>> the changes in the text on the cards' fields are inconsistent.
>> In particular, every time there's a style change (into & out of
>> bold for example, link, etc), a "font" tag gets inserted, hard-
>> wiring whatever the owner's font *was* at the time the text was
>> edited. So the next time the owner's font changes, it affects
>> everything *up to* that style change, but after that the old font
>> is wired in place.
>> I"m editing the text in the Contents pane of the Inspector. Doing
>> this in the Encoded Text Picker doesn't seem to help. It must be
>> behavior in the Rev engine I suppse.
>> I'm not able to think of a way not to call this a serious bug. Is
>> there a workaround?? Am I missing something basic?
> Best Regards from Paris,
> Eric Chatonet.
Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
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