Resize label boundin 3d box

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Jul 8 07:10:09 EDT 2005


If I understand correctly, you could have a look at 2 properties:  
margins (to specify the distance between the text and the edges of  
any field) and formattedWidth (to set the width of a field according  
to its content).

Le 8 juil. 05 à 10:40, rev at a écrit :

> Hi All
> I have a button with the following script that changes the details  
> of a label.
> on mouseUp
>   set the text of field CustomLabel to field LabelNewName
>   set the textsize of field CustomLabel to field LabelNewTextsize
>   set the height of field CustomLabel to field LabelNewHeight
>   set the width of field CustomLabel to field LabelNewWidth
> end mouseUp
> As you can see it is resizeing the label font and heigh/width.  
> However the 3D
> box only surrounds the text. I would like the 3D label box to be  
> resizeable
> (for uniformity) to the heigt/width and  not just surround the  
> text, then I can
> incorporate an alignment section into the script.
> I cant find anything in the doc's or on the google search-list that  
> fits the
> bill.
> Anyone know how to make the bounding box bigger than the text? IE  
> the size of
> the labelbox?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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