mark cards by finding -- a problem

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Thu Jul 7 16:56:42 EDT 2005

>Hi Timothy,
>Obviously you are coming from HyperCard...
>With Rev there are no "bg" fields (neither card fields) but only fields.
>Check the topics section in the docs named "Groups and Backgrounds"
>It might help you to understand how Rev handles "bgs"... which do 
>not exist with Rev ;-)
>That's the reason why your script does not work.

Hi Eric,

Actually, I tried it with and without "bg". It failed in both cases.

Other scripts work with and without "bg" before "field", as long as 
the field belongs to a group.

find patientname in field "patient name"


find patientName in bg field "patient name"

both work equally well.

Just to make sure, I just tested that.

mark cards by finding string tempPtName in bg field "patient name" also works.

I admit it might be good practice to leave the "bg" out. I suppose 
Rev ignores it.

Sorry to be contrary :-)

Any other thoughts?



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