Programming multi line selections

Rob Beynon r.beynon at
Wed Jul 6 16:53:57 EDT 2005


I have a small problem that is driving me nuts..

I have a series of lines in a field, and I want to program the
selection of those lines according to the last character of the
line...I wrote a button script thus...

on mouseUp
  select empty
  put 0 into LineNo
  repeat for each line peptide in card field "audit"
  add 1 to LineNo
  if char(length(peptide)-1) of peptide = "K" then select line LineNo of field "audit"
 end repeat
end mouseUp

I've also tried setting the selected of line lineNo to true
and setting the hilitedLine to lineNo

Am I missing the point here? (probably).

Also, how do I deselect all lines before I start (select empty doesn;t
seem to achieve this).

All best wishes,

(Created at 21:50 on 06/07/2005)

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ     |mailto:r.beynon at
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