Button leaving behind droppings

John Ridge ridge11103 at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 5 05:46:22 EDT 2005

on 4/7/05 10:04 pm,  Alex Tweedly wrote :

Is there something else I ought to do (or not do) here ?

Create a new mainstack
Create a button in it  (all default values)

edit the card script to say

on mouseMove
 put the loc of button "button" into tLoc
 put item 1 of the mouseloc into item 1 of tLoc
 set the loc of button "button" to tLoc
end mouseMove

and the button moves along with the mouse, just like you'd want.

Then Inspect the button, and select "default button" - now the button
moves, but leaves behind "droppings" as it moves.

Is there something else I ought to do to move a "default" button, or
should I BZ this ?
(winXP, Rev 2.6, and 2.5 but not 2.2)

Alex, this looks seriously weird on Mac OS 9 - all button styles seem to be
equally affected. Horrible!

The following looks even worse, predictably

on mouseMove
  put the loc of button "button" into tLoc
  put the mouseloc into  tLoc
  set the loc of button "button" to tLoc
end mouseMove

When I want to move something, I do "grab btn "button"" and all is well. So
what's going on?

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