making my first video game

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Mon Jul 4 12:00:38 EDT 2005

On 4 Jul 2005, at 15:37, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> Derek Bump offered:
>> That's a lot of script to process.  Say 1 ship, 1 to 50 shots, 10  
>> Alien
>> Crafts and don't
>> forget the powerups, upgrades and scrolling background.
> Oh, I'm not aiming to make a space invaders game. What
> I'm after is a space invaders-like feature, namely, multiple
> shots. And only 1 to 10 shots, 5 Alien crafts (actually,
> phonemes falling from the sky), and no powerups, upgrades
> nor scrolling background. That'd be way over my meager
> scripting abilities!

Hi Nicolas

I've seen this done, and in fact I've converted an old Hyprcard stack  
to Rev with exactly this kind of activity. It was a lot of fun.  
Unfortunately, it was in a commercial product so I can't just pass  
over the stack.

But here's the gist of one way to do it. (Very simple example) In  
this case, there were 5 falling targets, each with a letter. A word  
was spoken, and the user tries to hit the target with the  
corresponding letter  by moving left and right controls, and pressing  
the "fire" button when aligned with the target. In this activity, if  
the wrong target was hit, the missile just passed through the target.  
(This may not be exciting enough, but I'll leave that to you.) Also,  
there is no stream of missiles, just one at a time.

Naturally, the most important thing is the coolness of the sound when  
you fire the missile. (Something like "pshwooooo")

on fireMissile
   ## the "target" image is determined elsewhere
   put the cTargetImage of this card into tTarget

   ##  first work out the left and right edges of the target
   put the left of image tTarget into tL
   put the right of image tTarget into tR

   ##play your cool sound
   ## it's good if it plays as soon as the button is clicked
   play audioclip "missile"

   ## set the starting position of the missile
   set the loc of image "missile" to the loc of image "spaceShip"
   show image "missile"

  ##determine whether it's a hit or not before you even move the missile
## and determine where you want your missile to disappear if it's a miss
   put item 1 of the loc of image "missile" into Xloc

   if xLoc >= tL and xLoc <= tR then ##hit
     put true into tHit
     put the loc of image tTarget into tDestLoc
     put xLoc into item 1 of tDestLoc
     put false into tHit
     put xLoc & ",20" into tDestLoc
   end if

   set the moveSpeed to 600
   move image "missile" to tDestLoc
   hide image "missile"

   if tHit then
     hide image tTarget

     play audioclip "destruct"
     wait until the sound is done

   end if

end fireMissile


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