Protecting QT via callbacks?

sims sims at
Fri Jul 1 23:24:28 EDT 2005

At 8:13 PM -0700 7/1/05, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>I need to ship a CD with a number of QuickTime movie files, and the
>client would like to find a way to protect the files if possible.

Have you seen:

QT Movie Data Security:

"QuickTime access keys (also referred to as "media keys") make it 
possible to protect data. QuickTime access keys were introduced with 
QuickTime 3. The QuickTime access keys allow an application that 
supplies data to register a password for the data with QuickTime and 
allows a user to enter the password to gain access to the data."

I will need this very same capability soon, it would be very helpful
to know how you make out with implementing this sort of security.


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