Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server!!!!

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Jan 31 11:26:25 EST 2005

On Jan 31, 2005, at 3:27 AM, sims wrote:

> Andre,
> Did you use Shao Sean's extremely most excellent code for this?
> Also, won't some servers (a very small percentage in my experience) 
> still require authentication?
> Shao Sean also worked quite hard to come up with an auth capability.


the getMXRecords() function is all Shao Sean labor! She deserves all 
credit and that function is the heart of the thing for it's by figuring 
out what is the right SMTP server to be used that does all the magic. 
I've implemented just a simple sending function that will talk to that 
server. I've implemented no auth or stuff like that for I would not 
reinvent the wheel, her module does that great, I (and also Dan) needed 
a module for those that do not know about email settings, those people 
that only know their email address and think that's enough.

Also I did not create MIME wrapper for building the emails for libEmail 
does just that, if you use my module plainly, it will send plain text 
message old school way. But if you want you can just use Shao Sean 
libEmail and pass the libEmailEncodeMessage() as the message param, 
then you'll be all bells and whistles.

Of course all credit is given to her, here on the list and also on the 
comments of the stack. Her getMXRecord() stack was included and not a 
single line was altered.


PS: as for being nuts, they say here that you are what you eat, so I 
guess that right now I am hobz....

> Both have capabilities far beyond mine - I would not characterize both 
> as a "Nut",
> perhaps one is a "Brazil Nut" ...the best kind of nut.    ;-)
> ciao
> sims
> European Revolution Conference 2006
> Be there or be octagonal!
Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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