Problems using DreamCard

Jim Lyons jimlyons at
Sun Jan 30 13:02:20 EST 2005

I had trouble making a stack work with Dreamcard and said:
>> I copied the stack and my copy of DreamCard  onto a CD....

On Jan 30, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
> did you only copy the "Revolution Dreamcard Player" application or the
> complete folder "Revolution Dreamcard Player"?
> The latter one should work as expected since all the icons, libraries
> etc... are in this folder!

Well, inside my rev 2.5 folder is just the application Revolution 
Dreamcard Player, not a folder, so I just copied that. She has a slow 
connection or I would have just downloaded the player. I see you must 
be right about there being more stuff, since the D/L is 4.3MB and the 
app is only 2.8MB. My bad. Thanks for the help. I will report later if 
this fixes everything.

Jim Lyons

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