Random #'s

Dwayne Rothe drothe at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 28 22:30:58 EST 2005

Hey Guys after analysing the multitude of responses I finally went with the
shortest code!
It works perfect & fast, thats all I needed....
repeat until the number of items in tRnum = 5

set randomSeed to random(10000)

put random(10) into tRand

if tRand is not among the items of tRnum then put tRand & comma after tRnum

end repeat

Thanx to all....... Dwayne

> On Jan 28, 2005, at 11:08 AM, Michael D Mays wrote:
> > What does it mean to sort  "1,2,3,4,5"  by 12?
> >
> > Maybe it should be
> >  sort items of x numeric by random(10000)
> Yes!  Sorry about that.
> I think sort by 12 effectively means to associate 12 with each item and
> then sort by the associated value.  The sort by random(10000) would
> then mean to associate a random value with each item and sort by that.
> The sort by char -1 or each would associate the last char of each item
> with the item and sort by that.
> I don't know if it actually implemented that way; it might be the
> sorting expression is evaluated repeatedly with each comparison.  Maybe
> one can run a test with a side effect (say counting) to find out.
> Dar
> **********************************************

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