Disappearing Mouse!!??

Frank Leahy frank at backtalk.com
Thu Jan 27 08:55:07 EST 2005

I can confirm the disappearing cursor problem, within the IDE on 
Windows 2000.

If you double-click a .rev file on Windows 2000, which then launches 
the IDE (Rev 2.2 or 2.2.1), the cursor disappears whenever the cursor 
is inside any Rev window.

But if you first open the IDE, then open the .rev stack using the File 
Open... menu (from inside the IDE), the cursor shows correctly.

This would seem to be the same behavior that Alex is seeing with 
DreamCard.  Looks like this is a long-standing bug that never got 

-- Frank

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On Jan 27, 2005, at 10:34 AM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com 

> From: Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net>
> Subject: Re: Disappearing Mouse!!??
> To: jacque at hyperactivesw.com,	How to use Revolution
> 	<use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Message-ID: <41F8BFBD.3020307 at tweedly.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> It is already submitted a couple of times as a bug rather than as an
>> enhancement:
>> <http://support.runrev.com/bugdatabase/show_bug.cgi?id=2147>
>> This particular one is still marked as unconfirmed, but we have had
>> several reports of it in the support queue too. I distinctly remember
>> entering it in Bugzilla myself, but now I can't find it. So there is
>> another one in there somewhere as well.
>> It would be good to add any new reports to the above, since that one
>> is marked as an actual bug.
> Those are two different problems.
> 2147 says that sometimes, mostly when the cursor is near the end of a
> line in a TEXT field, the blinking "upright bar" text cursor will 
> disappear.
> 2138 says that (certainly in Dreamcard player) if a stack is opened by
> double-clicking the .rev file, the cursor is completely invisible - any
> cursor, not just the text one, and all the time - the app is 
> effectively
> unusable. When run in the IDE, there is no problem.
> If I can get a "clean" computer, with no player already installed to
> confuse things, I'll test a new installation to see if I can confirm
> that the problem occurs with the launcher rather than the Player. If it
> does, I'll change the Bugzilla entry to a bug.
> But I can't help feeling that this kind of investigation is what I
> expect a company to do for itself, not rely on its users to do for it.
> There's a serious deficiency - I don't care whether you call it a bug 
> or
> an enhancement. Every Windows app in the world is (can be) run by
> double-clicking on its icon - except Dreamcard apps.  (and possibly
> Studio/Revolution apps - but I can't test that).
> I can only imagine the impression this would give to a first time user
> (who might well be a last-time user as well).
> -- Alex.

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