What do most Rev developers do?

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Wed Jan 26 13:19:31 EST 2005

Hi again, Jonathan,

I suspect the short, general answer is "anything and everything".

My particulars:

I began my programming career as in house IS expert for the Oakland, CA 
police department in the 1970's.

In the 1980's and 1990's, most of my income came from customizing an 
accounting package, Flexware,  for small to medium sized businesses, and 
from a wine production control system written in Flexware by a university 
professor of enology and "professionalized" by moi.

I discoverered  HyperCard in 1989, and began redesigning my winery software 
to take advantage of the new tools arid techniques available via HyperTalk.

My current interest is the potential of Revolution applications to take 
advantage of the features supported by Tablet PCs,   My long-term goal is 
to release my winery software as a TPC-specific application.

But right now, that is all taking a back seat to more important work I am 
doing for Environmental Defense: staffing a group whose goals are to raise 
the public's awareness of the current state of the world's oceans & 
fisheries and the degree of their decline since the mid-twentieth 
century...followed up by activism on issues affecting our local offshore 

To this end, I am working on an interactive Revolution presentation 
summarizing the results of my reading and research so far in the form of 
time lines.   This will be distributed in two parts: a one-time player 
standalone and a data stack that can be replaced whenever new references 
are added.  I will post an announcement when Environmental Defense makes 
this public.

Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy

"The great diversity...which gave such resiliency to the groundfishery is 
gone.Haddock, which I caught by the thousands, are gone.  The mid-winter 
run of spawning whale cod is gone.  The spring run of dabs the size of a 
hatch cover is gone.  The fall pollock are gone.  I now rely on three 
species: cod, yellowtails, and dabs.  Even with these...we must now measure 
each and every one, as most are legal only by a fraction.  These are not 
characteristic of a healthy fishery.  I fear they are omens of disaster."

  -- North Atlantic fisherman, Frank Mirarchi, in Fish for the Future 

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