Scripting of buttonproducing field to give buttons backgroundBehavior

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Sun Jan 23 08:38:54 EST 2005

At 2:16 AM +0100 1/23/05, Kresten Bjerg wrote:
>I have met with the problem, that the handler of a field, which 
>shall enable user to produce pre-scripted buttons, is able to 
>produce the buttons with the scripts required, and place them where 
>they shall be placed, - but all attempts  to, after "group"  "set 
>backgroundBehavior to true" is failing. Best would be, if they could 
>be set to include themselves, as they are produced - now and then-by 
>the user, in one big shared group. Anybody have a solution?

How are you creating the buttons? Do you use the "create" command, or 
some other method, in the handler of the field?
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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