RAD Challenge

Bob Hartley rev at armbase.com
Sun Jan 23 13:03:26 EST 2005

At 17:24 23/01/2005, you wrote:

>And can I respectfully draw your attention to the fact that, as far as the 
>RevOnline Learning Centre presents itself to me, even the 'basic printing' 
>tutorial is "Buy Now, not available in demo". This sucks. I have bought my 
>licence each year for 4 or 5 years now, and will continue doing so, but 
>can I get Rev to print a simple columnar report without lines 
>disappearing, columns not lining up, and font sizes changing? No, I 
>cannot, and the only available information that I can find is a paid for 
>video or pdf that may or may not help me.
>Now, I don't expect a personal printing tutorial from the CEO of RunRev, 
>but a decent introduction to even some kludgy workarounds in what seems to 
>be a really weak area for Rev would be helpful. Where could I find such a 
>thing, without laying out more money?

I just went to revonline and received a prompt to go to the store for a 
release code. Hmmmm!!!!!!!

To be frank, I would have expected this to be included in the cost of a 
license or even the annual subscription.
33 pounds (about 60 dollars) to have a pdf  that shows you how to implement 
a menubar. Come on!!!

OK, you should not expect to get something for nothing but I have a studio 
license and I have the annual subscription. I only bought the studio 
license because express was discontinued and I didn't want dreamcard and a 
7Mb player (I want executables). The annual subscription in pounds is £133 
= 249 dollars (I extended mine via the express upgrade so I got it cheaper 
to be fair). However, I would not expect to pay for the video to build a 
menu. I woudl pay for one to have a demo reamework for certain apps like 
databases, ftp, web servers etc. BUT not a menubuilder.

Mind you I can always ask here. :-)

>On 23 Jan 2005, at 17:01, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:
>>Can I draw your attention to the Learning Center, which is available in
>>revOnline each time you start the program.  We have 25 free videos that
>>introduce all the basic concepts, together with 25 PDF versions for those on
>>slower connections.  We also have 50 Sample Scripts, and 10 Sample Projects,
>>all fully documented.  All of this material is free with the trial version
>>within revOnline.
>>You can also access the video/PDF portions on our web site, at:
>>Kind regards,
>>Kevin Miller ~ kevin at runrev.com ~ http://www.runrev.com/
>>Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
>use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
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