gestalt options

Graham Samuel graham.samuel at
Tue Jan 18 09:23:36 EST 2005

On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 13:37:41 -0800, ichard Gaskin 
<ambassador at> wrote:

>I'm in the process of updating my Gestalt function (see the Gestalt
>stack in RevNet), which I use to automatically include a brief system
>profile in user reports.
>Currently the report includes the stuff shown below, things I've found
>useful thus far.
>What other functions or global properties might be useful to add?


Richard, if it's not too late (my ISP cut off my dialup connection because 
I'd bought broadband, only they haven't delivered the ADSL modem... ah well.)

Can you include the international stuff like language, time zone, currency 
symbol, thousands separator etc. Both Macs and PCs have settings for these. 
Or should I be looking elsewhere for this info?



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  

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