BBEdit as Script Editor

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Tue Jan 18 06:02:44 EST 2005

>>On Jan 15, 2005, at 1:25 PM, Thomas Gutzmann wrote:
>>Using BBEdit as an external editor (on MacOS/X) gives even more 
>>power: stay in run mode, modify the script, save it, and go on 
>Exactly how does this work ?
>Are you saving the scripts to an external text file and then 
>inserting them into buttons with other buttons? Or do you have some 
>API working interface betwee BBEdit and Rev's scripting "containers".
>I could really use this,

It may be interesting to note that TextWrangler, a sibling of BBEdit, 
has recently got more BBEdit-like features and, best of all, is now 


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