Hard drive serial number

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Mon Jan 17 12:59:18 EST 2005

On 1/17/05 9:53 AM, "Alex Tweedly" <alex at tweedly.net> wrote:

>> Here's my solution for OS X and WIndows (don't have an OS 9 solution handy).
>> For OS X, you just call it without the parameter;
> Can't you have multiple hard rives on a mac ?
> Doesn't that matchText only return the first one ?  (or do I need to go
> re-read the regexp manual ?)

Well, yes, and each hard drive has its own serial number, but the number
retrieved for OS X is the *computer's* serial number, not the hard drive's.
This apparently is the case only in OS X; in Windows you can only get hard
drive serials. I'll add in getting the HD Serials to my next post.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com

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