jpg graphics

Ben Fisher boinjyboing at
Sun Jan 16 19:44:24 EST 2005

> I need to insert text information in a jpg graphics then when the 
> computer loads the pics, I want the information extracted and used in 
> the program. Any one know anything about this? 


You know how ID3 tags can reside in an mp3 file and store info about title and artist?
There are several tag formats like this for graphics. Try looking up IPTC or NAA, which are compatible with jpgs. 

For example, in Photoshop you can go File -> File Info and enter in comments that will stay with the file. I have no idea how to retrieve them in rev, though. I think the answer will be on the internet somewhere. Probably you will have to search the hex data of the jpg for a certain header that indicates IPTC.


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