Prograph (was Re: MacWorld part 2)

Paul paulbuzzy at
Sat Jan 15 14:18:01 EST 2005

Dear Dan and Dar:

I just wanted to wrote in defense of Prograph CPX. I bought the Mac and 
Windows versions and have written successful apps in both. I have a 
business based on an app I wrote in Prograph CPX (Buzz-o-sonic, 
<>). It was a great language and I too was sad to 
see it go. The bugs I encountered were easily fixed and as far as I am 
aware have not effected the quality of my programs. I still use 
Prograph, though I am phasing it out in favor of LabVIEW and RunRev. 
However, I agree with Dar on the zero support. Prograph CPX was also 
great for learning OOP - my background is not computer programming, so 
Prograph was a great learning tool.


revdan at wrote:

> I never saw the kind of buggy performance you describe here, Dar, but 
> I do remember that the shift from simple Prograph to the far more 
> complex set of class libraries in CPX caused a LOT of bugs and 
> performance issues.
> Dan
> On Jan 15, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Dar Scott wrote:
>> On Jan 14, 2005, at 6:45 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
>>> As some of you may know, I wrote one of two books published on 
>>> Prograph before that product/company essentially went belly-up. 
>>> (Hmmm. I hope I don't have the decidedly unhelpful effect on *all* 
>>> the companies whose products I write books about. heh heh)
>>> My friend (like me) was a fairly ardent fan of Prograph and we were 
>>> both sad to see it go away. It truly is the ONLY completely visual 
>>> programming environment I've ever seen and although it takes a while 
>>> to wrap your head around it, its power was truly amazing. And it 
>>> really is fully object-oriented.
>> I paid the big bucks for Prograph.  It had a name like Prograph CPX 
>> 1.0 or something.  I figured since I liked LabVIEW and functional 
>> programming, that it would be great for me.
>> The problem was that it crashed every few minutes and didn't work in 
>> between.  It had zillions of bugs and zero support.  I threw it 
>> away.  That was so frustrating since I wanted it to work.  I imagine 
>> a lot of folks were cheated this way.
>> So, it wasn't you, Dan.  The company cheated folks and forced them to 
>> turn the name into a curse word.  They did it to themselves.
>> (I didn't see any OOP.)
>> Dar
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>>     Programming Services and Software
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