Scrollbar Covering Resizebox

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jan 3 11:54:28 EST 2005

On 1/3/05 7:55 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

> This is on OS X.
> I have a stack in which I want a field to reach all the way to the 
> bottom of the window. This field is to contain text which will usually 
> more than fill the field, so I need a scrollbar. The stack needs to be 
> resizable, so when the field reaches to the bottom, the resize box of 
> the window covers the down arrow at the bottom of the fields scrollbar.

Ken already gave a work-around, but I just thought I'd add that the most 
common interface for this sort of thing is to place the bottom of the 
scrolling field 16 pixels up from the bottom of the card, so that the 
bottom right of the field just touches the top-left of the resize box. 
There is a small strip of unused card at the bottom, but I think you'll 
find that almost all apps do it this way (the area is often used for a 
horizontal scrollbar.) This is by far the easiest way to manage things, 
unless there is some specific reason you absolutely need the field to 
end at the actual bottom of the card. You could look at BBEdit for an 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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