OT: Scripting the UI in Windows

James Cass cassj at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 2 11:57:38 EST 2005


You should give CESoft's Quickeys a try (http://www.cesoft.com/).  I've 
used in MacOS9 and MacOSX with limited success.  It's available for 
Windows also.  You can download a trial version.  It's not perfect 
though.  After I would record a sequence of actions, I would always 
have to tweak what Quickeys captured.  Then I would keep testing the 
sequence until it did exactly what I needed.  It can be flaky for 
complex sequences.  Only use it when you've exhausted all other 
scripting methods.  I don't use Quickeys anymore though.  I've 
converted most of my automated tasks to shell scripts.

When mind control works,
you won't know it.

On Jan 2, 2005, at 6:50 AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> on 1/1/05 7:57 pm, Michael D Mays wrote
>> Is there an application in Windows such as FaceSpan
>> http://www.facespan.com/facespan/pagespeed/url//Home/
>> I want to be able to "click" some buttons, window items; etc
>> programatically in a program I think was written with VisualBasic.
> Michael,
> The only thing I'm aware of (but it's not really my world, others may 
> know
> more) is a product called WinBatch.  It worked perfectly on the one 
> project
> I needed it.
> HTH,
>   Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at cogapp.com
>   Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
>   http://www.cogapp.com        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866
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