translation ready, more questions

Rob Meijer robmeyer at
Sun Feb 27 04:04:44 EST 2005

My translation is ready and above all: it works.
Rest some questions:

1. I want to change the size of card 1, but not the size of other cards. 
Not possible?

2. if I reopen a stack after close NOT SAVE, everything is saved. Huh?

3. I put return & a textline after last line of a field.
     I delete last  line of that field.
     The line is deleted, not the space between the org. text and that last 
     How to get the cursor behind the last char of the org. text??

4. is there a way to arrange lines in the scripts with textalignment left
     how to make indents right or left in the script


robmeyer at
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