
Rob Meijer robmeyer at
Fri Feb 25 00:31:43 EST 2005

I am defenitely sure that you are right. I am
a newbie in Revolution and for each statement
I am translating I have to browse the helpfile,
so most of the time I am orientating.
Moreover the first exercise I am doing is translating
one of my Toolbook applications from OpenScript
to Transscript and I took the simplest app. of course.
So no ActiveX, no DHTML, no SharedUser, just native

I think it would be very much misplaced to criticize
Transscript after such a short time.
Maybe later, if I decide to keep working in Rev., and
have more experience in it, I will post a list of things.

For now let me tell you that using "=" for 'set to'
or 'put into' makes editing simpler.
The same for If...then: why not simply if.

I translated "Open Anything" to OpenScript.
Here you encounter the power of 32 bit.
Reading a textfile of less than 32000 chars
REV is much faster than TB.
Over 32000 chars TB has a problem, Rev not.


At 02:25 25/2/2005, Ken Ray wrote:
>On 2/24/05 3:38 PM, "Rob Meijer" <robmeyer at> wrote:
> > Every day I find astonishing things in Rev and I wonder
> > how Toolbook can exist without these statements.
> > Every day I find astonishing things in Rev and I wonder
> > why Rev did not copy them from Toolbook.
>Please bring them up here! I'll bet you that half the time it *is* in Rev,
>it's just that it's named something different or implemented differently.
>But for the *other* half, it would be good to know so we can try to get it
>implemented for Rev.
>For example, my limited use of TB turned up a wonderful construct for
>working with system DLLs and the Windows API that would be great if Rev
>would adopt... but anything else you can add would be great.
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Web site:
>Email: kray at

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