unlimited undo's for text fields
wouter.abraham at scarlet.be
Thu Feb 24 20:16:36 EST 2005
Hi All,
For those who like unlimited undo's (or is it ram limited undo's?) an
undo framework starter for text in fields.
This script can be placed in a stackscript and will act on all
(editable) fields.
Drag dropping text from one field to the other is supported.
It is functional and tested on OS X. But for the other platforms I
don't know yet.
Adapt as necessary and beware of the mail wraps!
global gHistory
local lSC,lData
on rawkeydown x
writeHistory x
pass rawkeydown
end rawkeydown
on dragstart
put the selectedchunk into lSC
pass dragstart
end dragstart
on dragend
put the dragData["text"] into lData
send "checkdragdata" to me in 20 millisecs
pass dragend
end dragend
on checkdragdata
put the selectedchunk into tSC
get word -2 to -1 of lSC
put word 1 to 7 of the long id of it into tFNameOrig
get word -2 to -1 of tSC
put word 1 to 7 of the long id of it into tFNameDest
if tFNameOrig = tFNameDest and not (word 2 of tSC > word 4 of tSC)
put "d",lSC,tSC,hexadize(lData) & cr after gHistory[tFNameDest]
else if tFNameOrig <> tFNameDest then
delete word 3 to 4 of lSC
put "x",lSC,hexadize(lData) & cr after gHistory[tFNameOrig]
put "v",tSC,hexadize(lData) & cr after gHistory[tFNameDest]
end if
put "" into lSC
put "" into lData
end checkdragdata
### first item indicates the action
### w = write
### v = paste
### x = cut
### b = backspace
### d = dragplaced
on writeHistory x
put the selectedchunk into tSC
get word -2 to -1 of tSC
put word 1 to 7 of the long id of it into tFName
if the commandkey is down then
switch x
case "122" ### z
case "118" ### v
put clipboardData["text"] into x
put "v",tSC,hexadize(x) & cr after gHistory[tFName]
case "120" ### x
put the value of tSC into x
if x <> "" then
delete word 3 to 4 of tSC
put "x",tSC,hexadize(x) & cr after gHistory[tFName]
end if
end switch
switch x
case "65421" ### enter in field
case "65307" ### escape key
case "65308" ### scrollwheel up and down
case "65309"
case "65361" ### arrowkeys
case "65363"
case "65362"
case "65364"
-- do nothing
case "65288" ### backspace
if word 4 of tSC <> 0 then
if word 2 of tSC < word 4 of tSC then
get the value of tSC
delete word 3 to 4 of tsC
else if word 2 of tSC > word 4 of tSC then
delete word 2 to 3 of tSC
get the value of tsC
end if
put hexadize(it) into x
put "b",tSC,x & cr after gHistory[tFName] ## b = backspace
end if
case "65293" ### return in field
delete word 3 to 4 of tSC
put "w",tSC,hexadize(return) & cr after gHistory[tFName]
delete word 3 to 4 of tSC
put "w",tSC,hexadize(numtochar(x)) & cr after gHistory[tFName]
end switch
end if
end writeHistory
on reverseHistory
put word 1 to 7 of the the focusedobject into tFName
if gHistory[tFName] = "" then
exit reverseHistory
end if
get line -1 of gHistory[tFName]
delete line - 1 of gHistory[tFName]
switch item 1 of it
case "b"
put dehexadize(last item of it) into x
if x = return then put "cr" into x
else if x = space then put "space" into x
else if x = tab then put "tab" into x
replace quote with quote & ""e&" & quote in x
replace cr with quote&"&cr&"& quote in x
put quote & x & quote into x
end if
do "put" && x && "before" && item 2 of it
case "w"
do "delete" && item 2 of it
case "v"
put dehexadize(last item of it) into x
put the num of chars in x into y
put word 2 of item 2 of it + y - 1 into word 4 of item 2 of it
do " delete" && item 2 of it
case "x"
put dehexadize(last item of it) into x
if x = return then put "cr" into x
else if x = space then put "space" into x
else if x = tab then put "tab" into x
replace quote with quote & ""e&" & quote in x
replace cr with quote&"&cr&"& quote in x
put quote & x & quote into x
end if
do " put" && x && "before" && item 2 of it
case "d"
put dehexadize(last item of it) into x
if last char of x = cr then add 1 to word 4 of item 3 of it
if the num of lines in x > 1 then delete last char of x
if x = return then put "cr" into x
else if x = space then put "space" into x
else if x = tab then put "tab" into x
replace quote with quote & ""e&" & quote in x
replace cr with quote&"&cr&"& quote in x
put quote & x & quote into x
end if
do "delete" && item 3 of it
delete word 3 to 4 of item 2 of it
do " put" && x && "before" && item 2 of it
end switch
end reverseHistory
### Big Endian BinaryDecode ###
function hexadize sx
get binarydecode("H*", sx, x1)
return x1
end hexadize
### Big Endian Binary Encode ###
function deHexadize sx
replace space with "" in sx
get binaryEncode("H*", sx, x1)
catch errornum
put "no hex value" into it
return it
end try
end deHexadize
## for test purposes ##
on emptyHistory
delete global gHistory
end emptyHistory
on putHistory
put word 1 to 7 of the the focusedobject into tFName
if the optionkey is down then put the keys of gHistory
else put gHistory[tFName]
end putHistory
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