New Bugzilla report Bug 2631

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Feb 23 19:06:48 EST 2005

On 2/23/05 12:24 PM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

> File associations are irrelevant for drag 'n drop of document/file icons 
> on an app's icon.  That much is true for most operating systems.

Not on Macs, though I see now it can be different on Windows. I don't 
know about the 'nixes.

I interpreted the original "bug" report as a complaint that any Rev 
stack can be dropped on any Rev standalone and the stack will open. On a 
Mac (both classic and OS X,) file associations determine this behavior. 
If the poster didn't reset the default file type when he built his 
standalone, and he's on a Mac, then I'd expect any of his standalones 
will open any Rev stack.

On Macs, if you drop a PDF file onto Revolution, nothing happens. Rev 
doesn't accept the drop and doesn't launch. The file types (or 
extensions in OS X) aren't right, so the OS prevents any action.

In Windows, dropping a stack onto an exe does appear to launch the exe 
sometimes, though the file will either error, or in some cases the app 
will see it as a text file and open it that way. So I guess that's what 
you meant. Windows apps may accept the file as a dropped item, but the 
app won't generally be able to work with it.

But the poster was bug-reporting that his standalones open any stacks he 
makes. This doesn't sound like a bug to me in any case. It sounds like 
exactly the behavior we'd want most of the time. On a Mac, he can change 
the file type and creator codes of the standalones to prevent this 
behavior. On Windows, I guess there isn't much he can do outside of 
writing some code that checks a custom property or something, and then 
quitting if it isn't right.

Maybe he will write again and describe the problem more fully.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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