Time Counter

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at skynet.be
Tue Feb 22 13:41:33 EST 2005

Le 22-févr.-05, à 18:54, Malte Brill a écrit :

> Ooopsie. Wrong header in previous mail. Sorry...
> But it seems I managed to cancel the other mail...
> Now for a quick coffee. ;-)
> Best,
> Malte

Hi Malte,

a little correction : when you click on the btn to STOP the counter, it 
should stay on the end time awhile and then go to zero

so I changed your script :

   if the flag of me=1 then
     wait 3 seconds
     put "00:00" --into fld "timer"
   end if


When I click to STOP, it adds one second and then stops...

How can this ?

thank you.


yvescoppe at skynet.be

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