use-revolution Digest, Vol 17, Issue 68

Malte Brill revolution at
Tue Feb 22 12:47:10 EST 2005

Hi Yves,

Yes. I just typed that down as it came to my head. :-)
The behaviour you see is because there is still one message cued in the 
pending messages. Change the script to the following:

on mouseUp
    if the flag of me is empty then set the flag of me to -1
    set the flag of me to the flag of me*-1
    wait until "startMyTimer" is not in the pendingmessages with messages
    set the istimer of me to 0
    if the flag of me=1 then
      put "00:00"
    end if
end mouseUp

on startMyTimer
    set the isTimer of me to the isTimer of me+1
    put the isTimer of me div 60 into myMinutes
    if myMinutes<10 then put "0"&myMinutes into myMinutes
    put the isTimer of me mod 60 into mySeconds
    if mySeconds<10 then put "0"&mySeconds into mySeconds
    put myminutes&":"&myseconds
    if the flag of me=1 then send startMyTimer to me in 1 second
end startMyTimer

This should do. ;-)



Sorry if this message appears twice. I forgot to remove the digest in 
my previous mail...
So if this mail comes again with a complete digest attached it was me 
being silly...


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