User Application Support folder on OS X?

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Fri Feb 18 17:00:57 EST 2005

On Feb 18, 2005, at 7:43 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

>  On Mac I want to store them in the users Application Support folder 
> (~/Library/Application Support).


I don't understand the problem, ~/Library/Application Support/ will 
always point to the current user app support folder, why can't you use 
it? That folder will always be present, and will always be on the same 
place... okay, specialFolderPath will not return this folder, but you 
will probably have different routines for both mac and win32 when it 
comes to finding where to store data, so you can make win32 report 
whatever place you want and hard code ~/Library/application support/ on 
the mac, can't you?

There probably is someway to return that folder using 'defaults' or 
'scutil' shell commands but since you know the folder in the first 
place, why bother finding some way to return it?


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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