Typing foreign characters in RunRev

Frank Leahy frank at backtalk.com
Mon Feb 14 08:54:21 EST 2005

I seem to be unable to type foreign characters into any RunRev (2.2) 
field, so it looks like I'll have to handle it myself.

Here's what I want to do:

When I type an ümlaut in Apple Mail, i.e. "option-u" followed by "u", 
first it shows me that I'm in "umlaut mode" by giving showing floating 
dots above the (empty) character, and hiliting those dots with a yellow 
hiliter.  Then, when I type "u" or "o" or any other character that is 
umlaut-able, it hides the yellow hiliting and inserts the correct 

This is a nice interface for knowing that you're in "foreign character 
typing mode".  Has anyone written a similar routine for RunRev?  I'm 
about to write one, but if someone has some working code already and 
wanted to share it, I'd be most appreciative.

Thanks in advance,
-- Frank

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