Drag from-within-to list fields
Wilhelm Sanke
sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Thu Feb 10 14:45:25 EST 2005
I have assembled six stacks - as substacks of a stack "dragmenu" - that
implement and illustrate various forms of drag behavior to be used with
list fields.
The stack can be directly downloaded from here
or from page "Tools and Samples for Development" of
The scripts can most certainly - as usual - be improved, refined, and
extended, but they may at least show directions how to tackle some
problems coming up when you wish to visibly (not just with a drag
cursor) drag between or inside controls whose locktext is set to true.
1. There is one stack for dragging text lines "between" list fields
Any number of list fields can be used with the interaction of the
(identical) scripts of the list fields and the card. If one of the lines
is clicked, a semi-transparent button appears that can be dragged to
other list fields. Releasing the mousebutton places the dragged line
inside the lines of the chosen list field. If the line is dragged to the
empty space below the lines in another list field, it will be added
below the last line.
Releasing the mousebutton in the same field where the dragging started -
or somewhere else in the stack window - simply lets the dragged line
The transparency of the drag-button is achieved by setting the ink to
"blend" on MacOS and to "scrOrReverse" on Windows together with an
appropriate backcolor..
2. Four variants of dragging "within" list fields:
a) In this preview card of a slideshow stack dragging is used to arrange
the sequence of images for the slideshow (The slideshow part is not
added to this sample stack, but can be downloaded elsewhere from my
The drag-procedure here does not make use of snapshot-lines, buttons, or
graphics, but simply "drags" the textline itself. The script part of the
list field responsible for the dragging comprises a total of 27 script
If you experiment with this stack, be sure that stack "datachoice" - a
customised "answer dialog" - is available, which is also an example of
how "dialogdata" can be used with modal stacks. "Datachoice" is
contained as a parallel substack of main stack "dragmenu", because as a
substack it cannot be part of substack "slideshow" in this case.
b) In stack 2.b, again, a transparent button with the ink set to "blend"
or "scrOrReverse" - as mentioned above - is used.
The line number to place the dragged word is calculated by using item 2
of the mouseloc and the textheight of the field.
c) Following the recent discussion on this list, I have taken the
liberty to slightly modify Scott Rossi's "GetinLine" stack in order to
obviate the flashing of the screen and the necessity of a delay of 250
millisecs for the drag start when a snapshot of the line-to-be-dragged
is used.
I have substituted the snapshot image with a button and eliminated the
delay, otherwise the script was left mainly intact.
d) Another modification of "GetinLine", this time using a transparent
graphic instead of the snapshot image and also removing graphic
"dragpointer", which may not be needed with this solution. However, that
may be a matter of "visual" taste.
3. Producing textlines in a list field by clicking on a text field and
dragging from the list field to the text field to "fill the created blanks"
This is a simplified version of a card from a rather old stack using
different formats of so-called "cloze-procedure" exercises - a popular
format in language teaching -, originally programmed in Hypercard.
Traces of Hypercard can still be detected in the script.
With the SHIFT-key down and click on words in the text field "dotted"
blanks are created in the text and the selected words appear - sorted
alphabetically - in the list field. This feature belongs to the
"teacher" module of the "cloze" exercise.
The words can then be dragged from the list field to the dotted blanks -
the button-version for dragging is used. If a dragged word fits, it will
be inserted at the place of the blank, if not, it will be moved back to
the list field.
The "create blanks" and "drag-from-list field" features are implemented
by the interacting scripts of the text field, the list field, the
dragged button, and the card script; additionally a back-up text field
is needed (field "Kontrolle") where a duplicate of the full text is
As said above, the scripts could and possibly need to be improved and
refined; especially, I have not implemented "scrolling-while-dragging"
in my examples. Such a feature could be added, but presumably with
solutions different from those used in the stacks of Scott Rossi and Jan
Schenkel. However, the basic functionality is there: You just have to
scroll a "full" list field between dragging.
Wilhelm Sanke
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