Success with Sending email without a SMTP Server!!!!

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Feb 7 17:26:36 EST 2005

On Feb 7, 2005, at 8:17 PM, Rick Harrison wrote:

> Does this mean that the program won't work with my email server
> because it is looking for Authentication?

Among other things, yes... It might be failing due to an auth error or 
because your server is making a reverse lookup on the DNS database to 
see if you're an "blessed" SMTP server for the domain you claim to be.

That stack and it's sendmail routines were created to enable a 
simple-no-fuss way to make apps that report back errors and feedback 
reports to a central or to solve everyday trouble. It's aimed at 
sending email without the need of entering account information. If you 
own an eMail account and are willing to use it to send email in a more 
polite way, like sending it to your SMTP server then trusting your SMTP 
server to talk to the destination SMTP server then you should use Shao 
Sean libEmail and libSMTP stacks.

I just create a quick stack for the possible scenario where a user do 
not know it's own account info and yet you need to send email. It's not 
a all-situations-solved solution.

you might try telneting your email server on port 25 and trying to use 
it by hand... to see what the problem is...


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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