filtering for one type with multiple extensions - nevermind

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Feb 3 16:23:15 EST 2005

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> I need to filter a file selection dialog for multiple extensions for the 
> same type.  For example, MPEGs can be either "*.mpg" or "*.mpeg".
> I know how to list them separately, but how do I make one entry which 
> will filter for MPEGs ending in both ".mpg" and ".mpeg"?

I found the answer -- sometimes it helps to RTFM. :)

I had misread the docs the first time, but a re-read gave me the solution:

  answer file with filter "QuickTime files,*mov"&cr \
    &"MPEG video files,*.mpg;*.mpeg"

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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