SuspendStack on CloseStack
Joel Guillod
joel.guillod at
Tue Feb 1 10:44:09 EST 2005
Having problem in understand a strange behavior for a stack of mine, I
realised that the doc explains that the suspendStack message is also
send when closing a stack. But I need to distinguish two situations:
(1) when user click on another window than the default stack (which is
that the currentStack is suspended) from (2) when user close the
default stack. Only the closestack message is sent in situation 2 but
both suspendStack and CloseStack are sent in situation 1. How can I
know that I am in situation 1? I thought the semantic meaning of
suspendstack was precisely to distinguish from the closeStack which is
the behavior in Hypercard. I use Rev 2.5, but the documentation does
not report any change to this system message since its introduction in
(1) clicking on another stack than the default one sends: suspendStack
(2) closing a stack sends: suspendStack + CloseStack
Question: how can I know in the suspendStack message that I am in
situation 1 and not 2?
Thanks to any expert.
Joel G
Dr Joël Guillod
Médecin-associé au CHUV
Ancien chef de clinique
Fbg du Lac 7
2000 Neuchâtel
Tél. 032.721.29.29
Fax 032.721.29.30
Email: joel.guillod at
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