Background color of line in field

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Dec 29 15:52:39 EST 2005

> Is it possible to specify a background color for an entire line of a
> multi-line text field?  I want to set the background color of the
> entire "line" and not just the text of the line.  For example, if
> line 3 has 20 less characters than lines 1 and 2 and I set the
> background color of line 3 the color should extend from the left
> margin of the field to the right margin of the field.

There is no easy way, but there are a couple of workarounds.

Probably the simplest is to pab the lines out with spaces or tabs so
that Rev thinks the text in the field extends beyond the edge. Then
setting the backColor of the line will set the complete width.

The other way is to create a graphic that goes behind a transparant
field. If you serach the list archives for iTunes stripes, you should
find several different ways of doing that.


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