Marty Knapp martyknapp at comcast.net
Wed Dec 28 13:25:06 EST 2005

I'm trying to to build a simple app so that my boys can send me 
Quicktime movies that are too big to email. I put togther a stack with a 
button set for drag and drop with the following script:

on dragdrop
  put empty into fld "LogData"
  get the dragdata
  if it is not empty then
it,"ftp://username:password@ftp.mydomain.com/drop/" --"drop" is a 
directory that I've created and can access
    libUrlSetLogField the long id of fld "LogData"
  else beep
end dragdrop

the file is not uploaded and I get this message:

220 ProFTPD 1.3.0rc2 Server (Main FTP Server) []
331 Password required for username.
230 User username logged in.
257 "/" is current directory.
221 Goodbye.

What am I doing wrong?

Marty Knapp

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