REv Documentation locking up

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Dec 27 11:53:54 EST 2005

On 12/27/05 7:06 AM, "Charles Hartman" <charles.hartman at> wrote:

> On Dec 27, 2005, at 7:52 AM, Scott Kane wrote:
>>> BZ 2936. It's got no votes, but it's what keeps me from ever using
>>> the Topics part of the docs.
>> I've been experiencing much the same thing.  Also the
>> doc's mysteriously die from time to time and I can't
>> get them going again unless I reinstall Rev.  How do
>> you vote for BugZilla?
> I don't; it always says I don't have any votes. I don't know how who
> gets votes to spend, but obviously someone here will know. Ken Ray's
> (Sons of Thunder) RevZilla stack is the easiest way I know of to
> peruse bugs.

Hmm... Charles, each person is supposedly given 100 votes to spend on bugs.
You can remove votes from bugs you've already voted on and give them to
another bug, so long as you never exceed 100. Have you used up your 100
votes? Or have you never had any? (If the latter, this is an issue that
needs to be resolved with RunRev.)

Oh, and Scott, you can get RevZilla here:

The only thing to keep in mind is that you need to set up your account at
Bugzilla (using a web browser) before you can use RevZilla.

Email me offlist if you have any questions,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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