SQLite Issue

Scott Kane scott at proherp.com
Tue Dec 27 05:43:04 EST 2005

Hi Jim and all,

> It seems that 'put field "edName" into i' would make the 
> value of that variable the same both times thru the loop, 
> thus "name" would become the field value and "email" would 
> become the field value as well.

Agreed.  I got so messed up with it all I threw the
example together.  Really there should be no loop at
all as it is not needed.  What I'm really having trouble
with is placing each edit field into the array.  I know
the problem is a lack of script knowledge and that's
doubly frustrating when I know how to do the same
thing in three other programming languages without
even giving it a second thought.  <g>   For some
reason some parts of Rev scripting just don't gel
in my mind as yet.  What I'm really trying to do is
place the value of fields into the array that make
up a data entry stack.  In a sense:

Put edName into X element, Put edAddress into x element.

I should've waited to send a proper example the first
time, I had to go out and was in a bit of a hurry.


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