Don't understand the meaning of "local"

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Fri Dec 23 18:41:31 EST 2005


Well, I spoke too soon.

If I have a global variable "gBlnChkCase" I can say
put "gBlnChkCase" is among the items of the globalNames
and I get a return value of true.

But issuing a "delete global gBlnChkCase" or delete global
gBlnChkCase" from the message box returns "Script compile error: Error
description: delete: bad variable expression".

So I think, OK, maybe that global isn't really sitting out there in
memory space waiting to ambush me. But trying to compile the line
local gBlnChkCase
gives a compile error of "local: name shadows another variable or

It seems to me that "delete global" doesn't.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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