Bush-like weasel words about standalone
J. Landman Gay
jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Wed Dec 21 21:12:38 EST 2005
Preston Shea wrote:
> I went back to the sweeping assertions and noticed that "Develop
> Linux and Unix applications on Windows, develop Windows applications
> on Mac" doesn't say you can develop Mac standalones on Windows - only
> that one can preview the look and feel. Like "weapons of mass
> destruction related program activities," one has to look carefully to
> find out what it means by what it says."
I suspect you've never used OS 9, right? You'll find that no other OS
can create Classic apps either. OS 9 had a file structure unique to
itself, and other operating systems don't support it. Mac OS X can
emulate it, for now, but next year when Apple stops supporting Classic,
who knows?
It's one of those things that anyone who has used OS 9 wouldn't think
twice about; sort of like how I don't expect my parrot to like my
canary, even though they're both birds. Self-evident if you've been
there, but I suppose not so clear to the Mac naifs.
Now if you plan to build for Mac OS X, you can do that fine on Windows.
Apple ditched the proprietary file structure for that OS.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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