Help badly needed about StandAlone and save procedures during development

Pierre Bernaert pierre.bernaert at
Tue Dec 20 14:20:28 EST 2005

Hello every body,

On Mac Mini (0S X 4.3), Rev 2.6 puis 2.6.1

  I Developed One main stack with 3 sub-stacks which work as I like  
to running under Revolution.

I wanted to test the stuff as standalone so I generated it for MAC OS  
and Windows generating each sub-stack as separated files. (Thanks to  
Sarah Reichelt (for her document saving data in Revolution Standalones))

Then Big surprise:

	• At least 1 of the sub-stack generated was at a level something 1  
month behind.

	• Back to the original I noticed that saving where numerous then  
when reopening the original I got the same old version again. I am  
afraid of  loosing one month work.

	My questions are:

		• Where can I find a documentation which could explain me what  
happened .

		• What kinds of informations are kept by the development tool.
			• Why is it done ?
			• How is it possible to avoid this kind of problem ?
			• How is it possible to reset these informations ?

		• What is the solution to find my last version if possible ?
		• What does mean exactly "Close and remove from memory" in the  
"File Menu"

		• Where can I find informations about How works "Standalone  
Application settings"
			(I cant suppress sub-stack, button is not working ?).

		• Although I wrote 1 Splash Screen and 3 sub-stacks may generate a  
standalone with only 2 sub-stacks ?

I deleted the Revolution 2.6.

Installed 2.6.1

• Saw my last version (Good news).

• Standalones generated where wrong again.

Hopping someone will be able to give me address or documents  where I  
could find answers to my questions

Many thanks


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