System Window

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Mon Dec 19 04:08:02 EST 2005

Hi Ryno,

Just set the decorations do default and the systemWindow of your  
stack to true :-)

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
----------------------    eric.chatonet at

Le 19 déc. 05 à 09:46, Ryno a écrit :

> Hi, I am trying to create a system window in DreamCard. With the  
> decorations to close, drag, and to maximise the window?
> When I set the window decorations for system, I end up with a  
> window that floats, yes, nicely, but it cannot be dragged, it  
> cannot be closed, and it cannot be minimised/maximised (the window  
> has no decorations). I'm on a Mac, OS X.
> Can I get these decorations automatically, or is the best option to  
> build my own, in which case I would need a couple more questions  
> answered...

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