Disabling MenuItems

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Fri Dec 9 11:41:56 EST 2005


As included in a library, your scripts look very good.
The solution I was talking about (that combines coding and custom  
property) would not be suitable within a library:
A library assumes nothing but usual handling and then has directly an  
effect on the menu button contents.
But as for me, I'll go on with the architecture I told you about :-)

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/    eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com/

Le 9 déc. 05 à 16:53, Rob Cozens a écrit :

> Eric,
>> This way of doing eliminates all kind of error and makes completely
>> safe your menus handling.
> My disableMenuItems & enableMenuItems handlers will be included in  
> the next release of Serendipity Library:
> on disableMenuItems menuButtonId, itemNumberList
>   get the text of button id menuButtonId
>   repeat for each item menuItemNumber in itemNumberList
>     if char 1 of line menuItemNumber of it <> "(" then put "("  
> before line menuItemNumber of it
>   end repeat
>   set the text of button id menuButtonId to it
> end disableMenuItems
> on enableMenuItems menuButtonId, itemNumberList
>   get the text of button id menuButtonId
>   repeat for each item menuItemNumber in itemNumberList
>     if char 1 of line menuItemNumber of it = "(" then delete char 1  
> of line menuItemNumber of it
>   end repeat
>   set the text of button id menuButtonId to it
> end enableMenuItems
> Since these are meant for gereral purpose use by other developers,  
> it cannot be guaranteed that a referenced menuItem is not already  
> in the desired state.
> BTW, I changed the itemNumberList format from return-delimited  
> lines to comma-delimited items, because it's easier to script:
>         disableMenuItems 1004,"11,13"
> than
>         disableMenuItems 1004, "11"&return&"13"
> especially when there are many menuItems involved.
> With these handlers in Serendipity Library, I can now do all my  
> menu setup at preOpenStack.
> Rob Cozens CCW
> Serendipity Software Company
> "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
>  Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
>  from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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