tabbed windows

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu Dec 8 00:38:56 EST 2005

--- Marty Billingsley <marty at>
> I understand all this from the docs, but they don't
> explain the
> little window that is below the tabs.  What is it
> used for?
>   - marty

Hi Marty,

The "frame" you see below the tabs is a standard way
of visually grouping the area where items will
appear/disappear when you switch tabs. 

For instance, the Preferences dialog box of many
applications will have a few items that appear
regardless of the chosen tab -- such as 'OK' and
'Cancel' buttons which pertain to the dialog box as a
whole instead of merely acting on the settings in the
visible tab.

Or did I misinterpret your question?

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam - Tools for Revolution

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